The ramblings of an average, green Canadian...

Friday, November 10, 2006

Greens' star rising

David Chernushenko, the senior deputy to the leader of the Green Party, has been named to the National Roundtable on Environment and the Economy, a blue-chip panel that advises the federal government on environmental policy.
CTV News
November 10, 2006

What a week its been in politics!

With Elizabeth May's campaign in London North Centre off to a strong start, reports indicating Green support has doubled since the last federal election, and yesterday's news of David Chernushenko's appointment to the National Roundtable on Environment and the Economy, its been a banner week for Canadian Greens.

Add to the mix that sanity finally returned south of the border in the form of Democratic victories in both the US House of Representatives and Senate, and I'd say things are finally starting to turn around.

(The light at the end of the tunnel seems to be shining a little more brightly today. Let's hope its not an illusion)

I've read a number of varied opinions as to why Ambrose made this move, but none have been critical of David Chernushenko, his credentials or the logic of adding a professional Green to the mix.

Eventhough Chernushenko has been appointed based on personal merit, as a Canadian citizen rather than as Deputy to the Leader of the Green Party, its clear that increased awareness in green issues and mounting pressure on the Conservative Party to re-engage (for real) in the Kyoto process, have forced the Tories to look outside their normal circle of influence.

Whatever Ambrose's intentions, Chernushenko's appointment is an important victory for Greens everywhere. David's inclusion in the policy process can only have a positive influence and beneficial outcome for Canadians. His record of accomplishments speak for itself. I have no doubt he will help set the Conservatives straight on what needs to be done and how to do it properly.

For the Green Party, Chernushenko's appointment is a tremendous breakthrough. Building on Elizabeth May's success as the new leader of the Green Party of Canada, this appointment confirms what many Greens know... that May and Chernushenko compliment each other well and that they make a great team.

To continue the momentum and to keep up the pressure on the Conservatives, I'd like to see two Green MPs in parliament by the end of the month... Elizabeth May and Garth Turner... followed by Chernushenko in the next federal election.

Don't laugh, its not out of the realm of possibility and it wouldn't come a moment too soon, as Margret Atwood pointed out yesterday.


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